Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day 6 in Wichita

Bishop Carrol High School turf football field for 10:30am practice
Hector teaching team what to do in case of a bloody nose
 Coach Rodriguez woke up early with Estevan to take him to the dentist at 8am. They were able to help him by removing the nerve, tooth, and putting a crown over it. Following this he stayed in the hotel to rest up and the team woke up to go to the high school again for a 10:30am practice. Not everyone fit in one shuttle trip, so I stayed behind to go with the second group. We realized once we got there that Steven and Marco stayed behind due to over sleeping.

 When we got to the field it was 103 degree, which wasn't too bad compared to the 114 from the day before. Still, it wasn't as easy to breathe and when I went for my run I only made 2miles, not the 3.5-5 that I am used to. I don't know how the boys manage to to do it, but they do.

Andres is hitting and the team is awaiting there turn
 The first group warmed up and took infield on the turf, then went to the baseball batting cages to hit.

The second group jumped in to warm up as the first group was finishing infield and then took their turn on infield and met the as a whole at the cages.

 I went into the gym to start a work out while the boys hit and met the assistant principal Slade, who put on the radio so that we could all have music when we worked out.

The picture above and to the left is a picture of the gym that we used. We had air conditioning set to 85, normally a hot sunny day in San Diego for us...for us this was a nice relief today. I did core with about 4 or 5 guys, Coach Rudy worked out Shoulders, and then the rest of the players did a back workout.

We returned to the hotel and all took naps from the hot day. We are now planning on getting ready to go eat dinner at the Texas Roadhouse and then go to the town square to watch a movie (only $5 on Wednesdays!). : ) I will update later tonight...

Well, our naps went longer than we expected and some of the boys had already went to go eat dinner, so we (Rudy, Kevin, Victor, Nobo, Andres, and myself) left the hotel at about 7:15pm to go to Texas Roadhouse.
 To the left is a picture of Andres country line dancing with all of the waitresses for a usual dinner dance they do. He didn't know all of the moves so he threw in some salsa and other stuff but caught on pretty well. :)

We were unable to make it to a movie after dinner because it was already late and the boys need rest before the morning game.

On our way home from dinner we started to see a lot of lightening. Once in the hotel we heard a lot of thunder and the lightening worsened. The rain also started to poor so hard that some was getting into the window of our hotel room on the second floor. The weather projected winds of about 70-80mph! I don't believe we have heard any tornado warning, but the hotel staff said that if we hear sirens go off then those are serious tornado warnings and we need to meet in the center (lobby) on the first floor of the hotel.

Coach Rudy just received a call from the tournament director that our 10:30am game is now moved to 1pm.  The boys are now watching movies in their rooms and they gave us  website to also watch current movies online for free. Two boys (Tovalin and Erick) have had their flights delayed every hour at their connecting stop, since we first left for dinner, due to the weather conditions. Hopefully the weather clears up and they will make it safely to Wichita, they will need to get rest before tomorrow's game.

Our creative boys (Johnny, Steven, and Mike) made a weather cast video in the rain of our current weather conditions. I am trying to figure out how to upload it on here...Then Johnny and Steven walk into our room and give us a skit from Titanic (with the music playing on their cell phone) of the scene when Rose and Jack are in the ocean. They felt it was appropriate given our weather conditions. LoL

Coach's comment for the day: "After a day off it was back to work. Now we are focusing on a 3 game winning streak".

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