Sunday, July 31, 2011

Day 3 in Wichita

What a turn around today. :) We went to go meet with the director of the NBC World Series to get paper work turned in and finish registering the team, but he was not ready for us for another 30 minutes. So we tried to get a ride from the nice young lady who worked at the front to take us to the nearest Starbucks. Standing at the check-in desk was Tish, a who's son had just finished and won their game. She over heard our conversation and offered us a ride to the Starbucks. We were so grateful for the ride, coach Rudy thanked her for her heroic act (2nd time in 3 days that he had his Starbucks, compared to the daily and some times twice daily coffee runs that we make back home). And, that was just the beginning of a great and generous time spent with Tish and her daughter Ariann...

Left->Right: Nobo, Andres, Jio, Marco, Kevin, David V., Augie, Ariann, Steven, David W., Victor, Chepe, Rudy, & Tish
  Tish is the Principal-President of a local high school and offered to let our team practice at the baseball field, on a turf field, and hit in the indoor cages. We explained that we had no form of transportation and without hesitation Tish offered to pick our team up from the hotel with one of the school's buses.
As if that wasn't enough, she offered to take me to go pick up Marco and Jio who went to the airport to pick up their luggage that had finally arrived and then take them to the field so that they could practice with the team.
Next, Tish and I went to Walmart get a money order and buy some water, sunscreen, and other snacks for the team. The boys also needed some red socks, 1 hat that was missing to match the teams (or else they would not all be in uniform and not allowed to wear the new hats they bought), and a few red belts. Which we found at Dick's sporting goods and Lids at the mall. Following this we stopped at Tish's house to pick up 2 ice coolers that Tish and her husband are lending the team to make sure they have cold waters for the games. We then went to the school gym and she filled our coolers with ice form the training room.

The boys were just finishing their practice and Ariann told us about a good pizza place that she recently tried, it had large pizza's for only $4.60.  Since it was on our way home we called and ordered 10 large pizza's and 3 orders of 16 buffalo wings. "Super Bomb Pizza's", from Victor Serna. Tish then gave us a ride home to the hotel and we could not thank her enough for her generosity and kindness. She is going to try and make our first game that starts tomorrow at 1pm (wooohoooo!!). Tish and her family are going out of town for a family reunion on Wednesday, so the team has promised to take her to dinner once she gets back.
The boys ate dinner and stayed in the lobby watching the Cubs game until Mariam, Hector, Johnny, and Estevan arrived and were checked in. Following this is a team meeting with coach (taking place right now) to go over the tournament rules and such before tomorrow's game. We are also still waiting for Belen and Michael who will be arriving around 11:45pm.

Coach's comment for the day: "I was impressed with team focus in the heat today during the workout. That should lead to success tomorrow".

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Day 2 in Wichita, KS

What a F***'ing day, interesting start to say the least. We found out that the shuttle does not run on the weekends, with the exception of going to the airport to pick and drop people off. So luckily the shuttle was able to pick up David Vega at 11am and will be okay to pick David Wynn at 4pm, as well as Jiovanni and Marco at 7:46pm. Following this we had some miscommunication and complications with the morning hotel staff, but were able to figure things out on the rooms. The shuttle ended up not running past 3p, luckily the hotel is about 5 minutes from the airport and comes out to about a $13 cab ride.

Left->Right: Steven, David, Rudy, Andres, Kevin, Victor, & Augie

Our first adventure started after breakfast and once David (Vega)
arrived. The team was going to Walmart to stock up on some snacks and drinks for the hotel. Since the shuttle would not take us (even though it was on the way and closer than the airport) we tried the trolley that happened to pass by as we were walking outside the hotel, but it was not going in that direction. Right behind the trolley was a bus and we were all able to catch a ride for $1.25/person and it dropped us off right in front of Walmart. :)

Once we got to Walmart Coach Rudy realized that he left his picture ID's at the hotel, so we wouldn't be able to cash our checks. Long story short; we took a cab back to the hotel, then back to Walmart, and then ended up walking back to the hotel (99degrees in Wichita today btw)... and, neither place was able to cash the check! Although for next time it was good to know that all Walmart's in Kansas only charge $1 for cashing checks and coach Rudy's Chewing tabacco was only $3.85 (a pretty good deal!). The boys ended up taking the bus back and Coach and I made it back walking to the hotel in time to meet the team to have batting practice at the field.
 The boys went with Rudy to the cages and then once David (Wynn) arrived to the hotel we met the team at the cages. The picture above and to the right is of the boys in front of the large bracket poster board at the entrance of the stadium.

To the left is a picture of the field as we were going over the bridge. We could also see baby sharks in the river as you cross. You literally exit the hotel from the back door and cross over a bridge and the field is right there.
Picture of the field-Dumont Stadium

The boys hit for about an hour and then Rudy and I met with the director to get the team registered. After watching the first game for a couple of innings we decided it was too hot and needed to get back to the air conditioned hotel. The 1st picture to the left is Steven hitting, behind him are Victor, Andres, and Augie.
The 2nd picture below and on the left is Chepe hitting. Behind him are Kevin and David.

Last game of day one for the NBC World Series
The heat must have gotten to the boys because after about 15 minutes of being inside the hotel they were all taking naps. The last group to arrive made it safely. Although Marco and Jiovani also had some luggage left at their connecting stop, the airlines assured them that they would receive it the next morning. Following dinner the boys went outside our hotel to catch some of the fireworks that were playing for the opening night of the NBC World Series. Afterwards they decided to catch the last game for the day that started at 10pm. The day started off a little rough, but got better as the day went on and hopefully the last of troubles. The atmosphere at the park was exciting and the boys got a taste of what to expect temperature wise and a view at the competition.

Coach's comment for the day: "We need a good night's sleep"

Friday, July 29, 2011

Group 1 arrives in Wichita, KS

Augie, Nobo, and Kevin left LAX at 1:30am and were the first group to arrive in Wichita. By 1:30pm Chepe and Andres were here to join the other three boys. As they first arrived the weather was somewhat of a shock as it was raining. By the time Coach Rodriguez, Steven, Victor, and Alicia showed up it was 7:30pm and somewhat humid and warm. The boys had already checked into a room, made time for a run (once the rain stopped) and worked out in the hotel's gym. Coach Rodriguez and Alicia's bags were left in Denver but our shuttle driver was very patient in waiting for us. We made friends with him and were on a nickname basis right away. "Chunk" said that he would take us to Old Town Wichita to eat dinner and check out the town for a while.

(Left to Right) Victor, Kevin, Steven, Augie, Chepe, Nobo, and Andres
We passed the stadium and it looked nice, I will have to try and snap a picture next time out. The hotel is very close to the airport, field, and Old Town. Pictured to the right are the boys in front of a restaurant called Chicago. There was an out door band playing "Brown Eyed Girl" near a center stage area where young men were blowing fire out of their mouths and throwing it in the air. The center stage area also had lights around it and small fountain where water shoots up from the ground. There is also a movie theater near the center square. The boys wanted to check out the area and hang out and weren't as hungry so Coach went to eat dinner. As we we were walking back to meet Chunk we saw a horse carriage taking a family around the town.

Once back at the hotel the 2nd group of boys went to the hotel gym to get their work out in and then made plans to jog in the morning. We also checked the schedule and saw that the first games start tomorrow for the NBC World Series and there will be fireworks.  (link for daily schedule). We also have a couple more groups of boys that will be arriving tomorrow.

Coach's Comment of Day: "Nice little park to win some ball games in".

Saturday, July 23, 2011

System Baseball Car Wash Fund Raiser

Early this Saturday morning, at about 8 am, The System's baseball parents met with coach Rodriguez and myself to set up for our first car wash fund raiser. We started by making signs requesting $5 donations to help send our team to the World Series, hooking up hoses to the oil change center that was very generous and allowed us to share their space... getting the soap and towels ready, etc.

We started off not knowing what to expect as our players would be preparing for a baseball game at this exact time and we were unsure of the exact amount of help that we would have. Not surprisingly The System family came together with the help of the mom's, dad's, sisters and friends to get the car wash started. Before Noon we had many cars lining up for our wash. Family members also made burritos to sell with refreshments. Coach Rodriguez cancelled the second game so that he and the players could meet us and help for the second half of the car wash. We all worked as a team; worked hard washing, had many laughs, enjoyed some interesting dance moves from coach... and, even with the competition on "the corner" from a 2 year regular (lol) The System baseball came out on top for the day.

I would like to thank all those that came out to help for this successful day and look forward to the 2nd fund raiser (casino bus trip)  that will be held tomorrow.

Coach's comment of the day: "Never say you can't. Trust it."

Saturday, July 16, 2011

The System Baseball...headed for Wichita, KS!! (:

A little about our Team:
The players and families are primarily of Latino background and have worked with Coach Rudy Rodriguez and community partners over the past 3 years.

Players have been dedicated in studying the 5 steps baseball hitting approach. Coach Rodriguez is mentored by and has worked closely with Rudy Jaramillo Big League hitting coach. Jaramillo is widely considered the best in the business and is the longest tenured, highest paid hitting coach in the big leagues.

Additionally, they have worked with Chuck Williams who was former Mr. Universe and Mr. America. Currently Mr. Williams is a strength and nutrition expert. He has educated and trained our players in the physical and nutritional demands of athletics.

Last but certainly not least is the National Latino Research Center based out of Cal State University San Marcos. The centers focus is on applied research and working to empower Latino communities. Dr. Arcela Nunez-Alvarez (Research Director of the NLRC) and Coach Rodriguez have worked in this project to give underprivileged Latino youth an opportunity to become academically prepared to attend and transfer to 4-year universities through baseball.

The System Baseball team won First Place in the Western Regional Qualifying Tournament, granting the team an “automatic birth”. Players earned an opportunity to play in the prestigious NBC World Series Tournament, where many major league players have played. The tournament starts Aug. 1st and ends on Aug. 13th, leaving us just two weeks for fundraising.

Now we need YOUR money to get our boys to the NBC World Series in Wichita Kansas (:

Coach's Comment for the Day: "Don't Trip and Break Out the FUNDS"!